Apparent insurance is a type of insurance that pays claims based on the insured’s apparent behavior and their associated data. The concept is similar to credit scores, although it is not strictly a score. It does not work in all legal jurisdictions.
An example of apparent insurance is the risk modeling for Allstate. This would be used to provide insurance so long as the insured did not appear to abuse their vehicle in any way. The insurer would, for example, not issue a policy for a driver who was under the influence or driving with an expired insurance card. They would also generally not issue coverage for a driver who submitted an application with insufficient or forged details.
What is Apparent insurance?
Apparent insurance is a type of insurance that pays claims based on the insured’s apparent behavior and their associated data. The concept is similar to credit scores, although it is not strictly a score. It does not work in all legal jurisdictions.
Apparent insurance works in the same way as most other types of risk modeling:
Risk modeling seeks to determine an optimal level of insurance by reasoning about individuals, or applying an objective rule and measuring the success of that rule. The calculation of the optimal level of insurance is based on some form of assessment—typically statistical—of the likelihood of an individual making a claim.
An example of apparent insurance is the risk modeling for Allstate. This would be used to provide insurance so long as the insured did not appear to abuse their vehicle in any way. The insurer would, for example, not issue a policy for a driver who was under the influence or driving with an expired insurance card.
Types of insurance
1. Direct insurance:
Direct insurance is known for the traditional Insurance companies. In this type of insurance, The premiums are paid to the Insurance company in advance and there is no cost to the Insured person. Since there is no cost involved, therefore, the Insurance companies take all the risk on behalf of their insured.
As a result, Insured individuals will get reimbursement if they have suffered any loss or damage because of an accident or natural disaster.
2. Indirect insurance:
In this type of insurance, the premiums pay for the liability coverage of the insured and at the same time, the premiums provide another premium to cover any savings that may be inured by improving or maintaining one’s home.
3. Apparent insurance:
In this type of insurance, each insured person has an apportioned amount of money which they can use to pay their own claims or they can use to make a loss payment. The amount of money is predefined by the Insurer. Thus, any claim or loss which happens can be paid by the insured person through a series of deductions from their own pool. Therefore, the insurer is not responsible in any way for the claims of their insured. In simple terms, this type of insurance is based on the principle that everyone has an individual capacity to pay for loss and damage. Hence, it is also known as Voluntary Indirect Insurance.
- It encourages the insured to make well-informed decisions.
- It is against medical negligence and malpractice.
- A more efficient way of compensating losses than litigation as it avoids costly court proceedings and the time and money involved in proving fault and negligence, which may not be possible in certain situations. This can be specifically seen in the case of construction defect cases where it can take several years for the insured person to recover compensation after incurring losses due to construction defects.
- It is a way to avoid and reduce fraud by insured people.
- Avoids the time and cost associated with proving fault and negligence as in the case of construction defect cases.
- It is more efficient and less costly than litigation.
- The insured person has the freedom to choose their coverage limits and deductibles.
- It does not require that claims be prove in court as in the case of litigation.
- It does not require the insured person to have primary physical control of their vehicle at all times without exception as in the case of accident cases such as insurance bodily injury, property damage liability, or non-collision automobile insurance policies.
- They encourage the insured to make well-informed decisions regarding their coverage and deductibles in order to minimize the risk of having to pay for their own losses through a reduction in the number of premiums paid for coverage.
- It allows for the payment of loss or damages in a way that suits each individual’s financial capacity.
- It encourages disciplined behavior by dispensing with the need for proving fault and negligence as in case of construction defects cases or accident cases, etc.
- It encourages insured people to adopt self-insurance to avoid paying for their own losses as in the case of construction defect cases.
- They do not ensure or ensure the insured person’s financial capacity as they pay for their own losses.
- It gives the right to sue, in case there are any uncertainties. Or legal problems in recovering a loss that was suffer by an insure person.
- It may lead to false claims by each individual. If they feel that it is more advantageous for them and their case when compared with litigation.
- They may encourage insured individuals to take more risks.
- It may not be suitable for certain types of cases, such as liability insurance claims. That requires proof of fault and negligence in order to get compensate.
- The cost of such insurance would be quite high for an individual.
- They may lead to over-indemnification as it may encourage insured persons to take more than what they need.
- It may lead to insurance fraud by insured persons who deliberately make deliberate false claims to benefit from the system.
- It may not be suitable for certain types of cases, such as accident insurance. That requires proof of fault and negligence in order to get compensate.
- They may encourage the insured to take unnecessary risks as they can choose to self-insure themselves.
- It may encourage insured individuals to sue each other rather than the Insurance company. And would lead to a rise in fraud cases.
The use of Apparent insurance has become essential in modern society and it has helped many people. Who have suffered financial loss as a result of accidents and natural disasters. Nonetheless, there still exist problems with insurance, such as fraud, over-indemnification, and abuse.
It is important for us to make informed decisions about our insurance policies. And this will help us live a happy life with the protection we seek.